News Room Media Contacts Jennifer Howard, American Bird Conservancy, 202-888-7472 Pat Leonard, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 607-254-2137 News Release Download the report (PDF) Images Click image to download high-resolution version: Meadowlarks depend on grassland habitat, which exist mainly on private land that receives support from the Farm Bill. Western Meadowlark by Donald Metzner. Golden-winged Warblers benefited from Farm Bill-supported habitat treatments in the Appalachians. Photo by Gerrit Vyn. Dots on the graph indicate start dates for key Farm Bill conservation programs, showing the change in populations of wetland, forest, and grassland birds after these programs were implemented. Green shading shows where Eastern and Western Meadowlarks occur. Their range overlaps areas of private land that have used Farm Bill-supported conservation practices in the last decade (shown by cross hatching). Meadowlark abundance from eBird data; Farm Bill conservation practices from USDA-NRCS data.