
The development of the State of the Birds report is a team effort led by the U.S. Committee of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative. The NABCI U.S. Committee is a forum of state and federal government agencies, private conservation organizations, and bird initiatives that work together in partnership so that healthy populations of North American birds are enjoyed and valued for generations to come. Beginning in 2009, NABCI has produced six State of the Birds reports, including the 2016 State of North America’s Birds with Mexico and Canada. This 2017 Farm Bill Special Report is the seventh in the series.

Suggested Citation: North American Bird Conservation Initiative, U. S. Committee. 2017. The State of the Birds 2017: A Farm Bill Special Report. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. 4 pages.

Project Leads: Kenneth V. Rosenberg (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), Tom Moorman (Ducks Unlimited)

Editor: Gustave Axelson (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Science and Policy Team: Adam Beh (Bird Conservancy of the Rockies), Alaine Camfield (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Breck Carmichael (South Carolina Department of Natural Resources), Jennifer Cipolletti (American Bird Conservancy), Ted Cheskey (Nature Canada), Todd Fearer (Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture), Danielle Flynn (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service), Jerome Ford (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), Steve Hilburger (U.S. Geological Survey), David Hoge (USDA Farm Services Agency), Steve Holmer (American Bird Conservancy), Karen Hyun (National Audubon Society), Cameron Kovach (The Wildlife Society), David Mehlman (The Nature Conservancy), Gordon Myers (North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission), Keith Norris (The Wildlife Society), Charles Rewa (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service), Judith Scarl (Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies), Andrew Schmidt (Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies)

Communications Team: Gustave Axelson (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), William Bevil (Bird Conservancy of the Rockies), Matthew Cimitile (Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture), Nick Gonzales (National Audubon Society), Jennifer Howard (American Bird Conservancy), Pat Leonard (Cornell Lab of Ornithology), Judith Scarl (Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies)

Designer: Diane L. Tessaglia-Hymes (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Website: Content management: Hugh Powell; Theme: Sarah Seroussi (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Funding Support: Funding to support the production of the State of the Birds report was generously provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ducks Unlimited, and Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Special Thanks: We thank Daniel Fink for providing outputs from meadowlark abundance models and Matt Strimas-Mackey (both at Cornell Lab of Ornithology) for creating the map visualization of meadowlark abundance and Farm Bill grassland practices. John R. Sauer (USGS) provided  data and created the bird population trend graph. The following people provided information, insights, institutional support, review, or other assistance to make this State of the Birds report possible: Jocelyn Aycrigg, Greg Butcher, Miyoko Chu, Ashley Dayer, Bob Ford, Walker Golder, Ashley Gramza, Meghan Hertel, Skip Hyberg, Rich Iovanna, Elaine Leslie, Kellis Moss, Glenn Olsen, David O’Neill, Charlotte Runzel, Paul Schmidt, Jennifer L. Smith, Tammy VerCauteren, E.J. Williams.

partner logos for 2017 State of the Birds